The Leaflet
Inheritance, financial planning, investing, and philanthropic news
5 Ways a Financial Advisor can help you Plan for Inherited Wealth
Hiring a financial advisor to help with your inheritance can have benefits beyond deciding what to do with inherited wealth. A financial advisor can help you get your current money situation organized and identify areas of concern that should be addressed before an inheritance arrives.
10 Questions for Financial Advisors
Are you overwhelmed trying to choose a new financial advisor? Read here for 10 questions to ask prospective advisors and explanations why each question matters for you and your financial future.
Managing Concentrated Stock Positions
Sunnybranch’s guide to the benefits and risks of concentrated stock positions and how to build a plan to sell or diversify a large stock position.
The Peloton Brief: Margin in Falling Markets
Exploring the case study of Peloton’s former CEO and co-founders sheds light on the dangers of margin loans in turbulent markets.
(5 minute read)
Get more from your cash
Cash may not be king again (yet), but with interest rates continuing to rise it may be time to re-evaluate the best option for managing your liquid cash.
(5 minute read)
Navigating Sudden Wealth
CAULK - it’s not just for sealing! 5 tips for those dealing with an inheritance, lottery winnings, or other sudden money situations to help navigate new, and often turbulent, waters.
An unexpected hide-a-key experience leads to musings on the importance of preparation in life and financial planning.
(3 minute read)
Money and Partnership
Romantic relationships and money. Do I need to say more?
(3 minute read)